Building Delmour New York
In 2024, I started a project called Delmour New York with the intention of selling high quality nailwear that focuses on cohesive collections and original designs. Rooted in the words “delicate armour” delmour represents the delicate and finely detailed nature of the designs balanced with values like honor, resilience, and inner strength.
Unlike conventional artificial nails, Delmour is not about imitation, it’s about highlighting the beauty of feminine qualities. The designs are crafted with immense precision. Every detail is considered, from the finishes to the fine-tuned sculptural silhouettes that are designed to flatter every hand.
I believe that beauty is both a ritual and transformation. Delmour is for those who seek more than just aesthetics, it’s for people who understand that transformation is power.
This is Delmour, delicate, yet invincible.
The evolution of an accent nail
Nail Design:
Subtly glamorous with a contemporary twist. Wearable styles.
Delmour feels.
Delmour - Rooted in the words “Delicate Armour”
Dreamy, experimental, joyous, timeless.
Delmour - Rooted in the words “Delicate Armour”
Dreamy, experimental, joyous, timeless.
Solitaire French for the Dauphine Collection
Delmour gift boxes:
in our signature blue color and black ribbon closure.
I believed strongly that nail appliqués, as an alternative to the more expensive and personalized experience of visiting a nail technician, deserved packaging that elevated the overall experience to feel equally luxurious and thoughtful.
I designed an unboxing experience that builds anticipation - from untying the ribbon to peeling back layers of paper packaging, each step is carefully considered to create a sense of discovery and excitement before finally unveiling the product.
I also prioritized creating packaging that was immediately distinguishable as part of a branded experience. The goal was to ensure that using nail appliqués would never feel like a compromise compared to a salon visit. Instead, it should evoke the same sense of indulgence and care, offering the user a moment of self-gifting and joy.
I designed an unboxing experience that builds anticipation - from untying the ribbon to peeling back layers of paper packaging, each step is carefully considered to create a sense of discovery and excitement before finally unveiling the product.
I also prioritized creating packaging that was immediately distinguishable as part of a branded experience. The goal was to ensure that using nail appliqués would never feel like a compromise compared to a salon visit. Instead, it should evoke the same sense of indulgence and care, offering the user a moment of self-gifting and joy.
It is intended that the brand is first and fore-most a celebration of the feminine experience and that the collections are an exploration of girlhood and womanhood. But it was important to me that the brand doesn’t rely on cliche’s of what “femininity” should feel like and that there was a sense of deep emotionality and sometimes even a subtle seriousness that I believe is highly relatable to the feminine experience. I wanted this not to be overtly seen, but deeply felt in the undertones of the branding and imagery.
There’s nothing I love more than hearing from customers that wearing Delmour nails makes them feel beautiful and confident. It’s this feeling that fuels my passion for the brand.
The project is still in its early stages, but I’m excited to see it taking shape and am deeply grateful for the positive reception the brand and products have received so far. I am working with purpose and dedication to foster the growth and success of Delmour.
If you’re interested in this project or would like to explore creative collaboration, I’d love to hear from you - please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Built with love.
Visit www.delmour.com