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Access point name the Lord

I came across a gematria calculator after watching a video on YouTube on it (it was one of those late night “how did I end up here” type of YouTube adventures). In numerology, gematria is defined as: 

“the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher.”

When I put my name into the calculator I get:

Some words that have the same numerical values as my name include:

- Revolver

- God the father

- Field of dreams

- Access point name the Lord

- Purest point

- I’m sorry

Since the mathematical relationship/numerical value of these words and my name has always “been”, I found myself looking for the connections between these words and myself. Could they have some sort of significance? I don’t think the answer is as important as the exercise here. Putting plausibility aside, I saw this as more of an exercise of curiosity.

Gematria hints at the notion that there is a connection between verbal information based on a universal interpretive pattern. In the same way that computers process information into binary code; words, concepts, and events even can also be reduced to numbers. By exploring the connections between the words, it makes us reinterpret original meanings, deepening our understanding by adding layers of context. 

Applied to design: instead of focusing so much on the patterns that we can see, I’m interested in exploring more of the underlying structures that we can’t see. For example, rhythms in brand messaging acting like anchors and the cadence of storytelling. If invisible connections are embedded into a brand’s identity through numerical patterns, linguistics or even through subconscious harmony, they can create a coherence that is felt rather than explicitly seen; reinforcing meaning in a way that resonates more intuitively with the viewer.

This could result in designs systems that feel more organic but is incredibly intentional, functioning on an almost subconscious level where meaning and recognition emerge through patterns we might not directly perceive.

To be continued....

yuri.hong@gmail.com                      Instagram